Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Thinking outside the bun.

Last night as I layed in bed, I had a hard time sleeping. My stomach growled, and all I could think about was the tasty food of Taco Bell! I forced myself to go to sleep, imagining the taste of a Mexican Pizza, or Cheesy Fiesta Potatoes. It was then, that I decided I would eat there for lunch today. I also offered to bring some to my hubby at work, which is probably making his day.

Remember when the Taco Bell Chihuahua was everywhere? I had all sorts of the little stuffed dogs that talked when you pressed the little button. I went on a field trip in the 5th grade I believe, and this boy in my class bought me one that said, "I think I'm in looove". It was so romantic....hehe

I honestly don't know of anyone who doesn't like Taco Bell. Everyone loves it! I can't wait to fill my belly :)

Silly Speidi!


  1. Love me some Taco Bell! Too bad I had already eaten :(

  2. Oooh yea another fast food lover!! I thought I was the only one haha and I'm usually too ashamed to admit it -_-

  3. It WAS too bad you had already eaten, Ash, it was delish!

    S, you definitely aren't the only one. I have always loved fast food. McDonald's is my favorite ;)

  4. Hi

    I'm your new follower...your blog is fab!!!come and visit me at makeupthoughts.blogspot.com


  5. Taco Bell was ALL I could eat or craved when I was pregnant with both of my kids! Its a great friend of mine!! Found your blog through blog hopping and wanted to say hi! I hope you have a great weekend and happy Halloween!
