Thursday, April 8, 2010

Safari Adventure!

Yesterday Tanzi and I went to Briarwood Safari! It was about an hour long trip from our
house, and it was SO MUCH FUN! They had all sorts of animals, and we got to feed and pet
them all. We rode on this trailor thingy that was pulled by a tractor, and we rode for about an
hour? The animals came right up to us and ate right out of our buckets (or hands). At one point,
Tanzi had her whole fist in the mouth of this HUGE deer-looking thingy. Scared the crap
outta me!! Well, not really, but almost. Thank God it didn't bite down or anything! Tanzi
especially enjoyed throwing the feed at the animals, and at everyone else! Haha I have to say
that the LLAMAS were my favorite. They were so gentle and sweet, and fluffy, too! The
zebras were absolutely beautiful. Never really realized how amazing they are. The buffalo
(not sure what the plural form is? hehe), were massive, stretched ther tongues out for
their food. It was kinda bizarre. There were also chickens, pigs, antelopes, emu, ostriches, and
many, many more!

At the end of the day, we were all pooped! But it was definitely worth it :)


  1. I'm glad you both had a great time! We should all load up and go together!

  2. Jay and I laughed so hard at that video lastnight when I showed it to him. We'd crack up whenever I'd replay it, and we could see you jerk Tanzi's arm out of that thing's mouth and yell "WHOAAAAA!" lol

  3. Hahahaha! That's so funny! I'm glad you guys enjoyed it :). It could have ended very badly. Haha
